Tante Alda establishment of these rules may include agreeing to call each other at least before bed time or not venturing into night-clubs and other singles establishments alone. These examples may seem a little extreme to some, but one thing that you must understand is that while in a relationship there is a compromise on behavior, activities, and environment. Tante Alda basis for these rules is to ensure the safety and welfare of the partners involved and to lay a foundation to build the relationship further. There are no rules that can truly enforce trust. This has to be done during the selection process of your partner. 

Before an actual commitment to date exclusively occurs, the parties should evaluate some of their habits, aspects of their personalities, and behavior before getting involved. The goal is to be yourself first and compromise after your partner had a chance to assess and evaluate what he or she can accept about you. Many times people will use a best-foot-forward façade to get into the relationship and then become themselves afterwards. We see this when men start watching porn regularly after being in a relationship or a woman buying multitudes of shoes or handbags. After these habits are revealed then the issues occur because the veil has been lifted.

Another common mistake made in the earlier stages of the relationship is the assumption that he or she will change for the better in some way. Most often this anticipated change may be for the worst, especially if it involves concealment as mentioned in the earlier example. By knowing the truth up-front with your partner, you can make an informed decision whether to stay with this individual into a relationship or water it down to a friendship or not associate. It will take the two of you to disclose the good, bad, and ugly to each other upon getting serious about pursuing a relationship. You and your partner may not share every aspect of the past, but obvious things that could harm or endanger should be disclosed such as health and legal issues if the relationship has graduated to engagement or higher.

1 comment:

  1. Hai gue ryan mahasiswa 23 tahun. hubungin gue ya 5521ABF8.. thank you :)
